A certified arborist can provide proper tree care in Palo Alto. They study arboriculture and horticulture. Therefore, an arborist knows how to provide proper care to different species of plants based upon their health condition or soil condition. A certified arborist holds a certificate from ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) after qualifying at an exam. It is essential for an applicant to have a few years of experience in taking care of the plants in order to have the certificate. A certified arborist has to remain updated regarding the methods of tree-care through different courses in order to maintain the certification. Therefore, the plants receive proper care through certified arborists and have healthy growth.
A certified arborist can provide a variety of services as part of the tree care in Palo Alto. For example, an arborist can examine the condition of a plant’s health, and they can care for a plant for its nurture and nourishment. An arborist also knows to determine the stability of a plant’s structure through inspection. They will determine the right method of taking care of the plants based upon the result of inspection.
An arborist may prepare a report after the inspection based upon a client’s request. If no report has to be prepared, then this inspection service costs $150-$200. The cost of preparing a report after inspecting a single tree maybe $350-$450 and preparing a report after inspecting multiple trees may cost $450-$700.
The report that is prepared by an arborist after inspecting a plant includes details of its health condition. It mentions whether or not a plant has been infested by a pest or has been suffering from any disease.
This report includes data regarding the presence of any mechanical damage on a plant. When preparing a detailed report, an arborist takes into account the conditions of the plants in the surrounding area. This enables an arborist to determine if the soil condition or the weather condition may influence a plant’s growth or health condition. A thorough inspection enables an arborist to prepare a plan for tree care in Palo Alto.
The pruning is another service that is offered by certified arborists for tree care in Palo Alto. A plant can be pruned in different ways depending upon its health condition or other factors. An arborist can determine the correct method of pruning to maintain or improve a plant’s health (pruning the diseased limbs), to prevent accidents (removing dead, hollowed or decayed limbs) or to improve a plant’s appearance and aesthetics of the surrounding area.
An arborist can find the right species of plant for a yard or garden based upon the nature of the soil or the presence of utility lines in the surrounding area. An arborist also knows how to plant a particular species of plant and this service is provided as part of tree care in Palo Alto. For more information visit Our Website