The summer season brings with it days of warm weather. Spending the pleasant afternoons under the sun is something that you look forward to throughout the year. Stretch your body under the lovely sunlight. But have you ever thought about how the trees react to the summer season? Some trees thrive exceptionally well in the higher temperature. These trees spread out the magnificent canopy with flower blooms. But many trees prefer the cold weather rather than the summer. For these trees, summer implies season of scorching heat that will cause drought.
Do water properly
The intense heat of the summer tends to evaporate the moisture content of the soil. As a result, the plants face a water deficit. Maintaining a schedule for watering is the first significant job that you must do as a part of the Tree Service in San Jose. On an average, each tree needs at least five gallons of water for each inch of the trunk diameter. Try to water the green ones before the morning sun smiles on them. Don’t hit the plants hard with the water jet. Use the drip hose or the sprinkler to provide a slow supply of water. The slower delivery will minimize the rate of transpiration.
Don’t overwater
Summers does not always imply that you have to keep on watering the trees irrespective of the environmental condition. If you see in the afternoon that the soil is still a bit wet, don’t flood the plants again. Instead, you can water after a few hours, when the soil water is exhausted. Overwatering indicates accumulation of excess water at the plant base. Such stagnant water is the ideal abode for fungal growth that will slowly damage the entire tree. Slowly pour the water directed to the root area to ensure maximum absorption. Overwatering is a strict prohibition for Tree Service in San Jose.
Do spread the mulch
The mulch acts as a natural protective barrier for the soil water. When you cover up the soil with a physical layer of leaves and organic substances, the coating covers up the tree base from the direct contact of the sunlight. So the rate of water evaporation will be also lesser than what would have happened without the cover. A 1 to 3-inch deep mulch layering will be able to conserve the soil moisture. But be careful about maintaining a minimum couple of inches distance from the trunk to prevent rotting. The experts who perform the Tree Trimming in San Jose can also do the mulch layering efficiently.
Don’t trim much
All the trees are usually quite active during the summer season. Thus, the Tree Trimming in San Jose can stress out the green structures. Pruning and trimming reduce the leaf quantity. So much area is exposed and so the amount of water loss through evaporation and transpiration increases. So it is better not to trim the trees during summer. The thick canopy can cover the soil to prevent direct water loss. The densely populated branches keep the plant body cool. For more information visit Our Website
Do water properly
The intense heat of the summer tends to evaporate the moisture content of the soil. As a result, the plants face a water deficit. Maintaining a schedule for watering is the first significant job that you must do as a part of the Tree Service in San Jose. On an average, each tree needs at least five gallons of water for each inch of the trunk diameter. Try to water the green ones before the morning sun smiles on them. Don’t hit the plants hard with the water jet. Use the drip hose or the sprinkler to provide a slow supply of water. The slower delivery will minimize the rate of transpiration.
Don’t overwater
Summers does not always imply that you have to keep on watering the trees irrespective of the environmental condition. If you see in the afternoon that the soil is still a bit wet, don’t flood the plants again. Instead, you can water after a few hours, when the soil water is exhausted. Overwatering indicates accumulation of excess water at the plant base. Such stagnant water is the ideal abode for fungal growth that will slowly damage the entire tree. Slowly pour the water directed to the root area to ensure maximum absorption. Overwatering is a strict prohibition for Tree Service in San Jose.
Do spread the mulch
The mulch acts as a natural protective barrier for the soil water. When you cover up the soil with a physical layer of leaves and organic substances, the coating covers up the tree base from the direct contact of the sunlight. So the rate of water evaporation will be also lesser than what would have happened without the cover. A 1 to 3-inch deep mulch layering will be able to conserve the soil moisture. But be careful about maintaining a minimum couple of inches distance from the trunk to prevent rotting. The experts who perform the Tree Trimming in San Jose can also do the mulch layering efficiently.
Don’t trim much
All the trees are usually quite active during the summer season. Thus, the Tree Trimming in San Jose can stress out the green structures. Pruning and trimming reduce the leaf quantity. So much area is exposed and so the amount of water loss through evaporation and transpiration increases. So it is better not to trim the trees during summer. The thick canopy can cover the soil to prevent direct water loss. The densely populated branches keep the plant body cool. For more information visit Our Website